IATCCC Historical Information

(Formed as the Indiana Association of Track Coaches)
2023T & F Clinic back fully in person
Hoosier State Relays Indoor at IU
Midwest Meet held at Marian University – Ohio & MIchigan would not attend
Indiana Juniors compete against Seniors
State CC Tournament realigned and changed to 3 weeks, 3 levels
Top 5 teams and top 15 individuals not on a team advance
2022T & F Clinic offered online & at the Sheraton, very bad snowstorm on Thursday caused many to stay home
Hoosier State Relays Indoor at IU
Midwest Meet at Indiana Wesleyan University – Ohio did not attend
2021T & F clinic held completely virtual using Sched and Zoom – coordinated by Julie Alano
No Hoosier State Relay Finals due to Covid 19
State Track Meet held at Ben Davis High School
Midwest Meet 1-Day in Michigan – Ohio did not attend
2020Covid 19 – No Track Season – a few indoor meets were run before schools shut down around March 17
State XC meet awards separated by gender with more time between races
2019Hoosier State Relays Indoor at IU
2018Hoosier State Relays Indoor at IU
Midwest Meet moves to Michigan for 4 years
2017Hoosier State Relays Indoor at IU
2016Hoosier State Relays Indoor at Purdue
2015Hoosier State Relays Indoor at Purdue
2014Hoosier State Relays Indoor at IWU
Midwest Meet moves to Ohio for 4 years
Cross Country Sectionals moved to Saturday prior to previous Tuesday for return to 4 week tournament
2013Hoosier State Relays Indoor at IWU
4 Cross Country Clinics – one for each semi-state held – Bob Dahl state director
Top 5 teams plus 10 individuals not on a team advance in CC state tournament
2012Hoosier State Relays Indoor at IWU
Cross Country Clinic at Hamilton Southeastern High School – Bob Dahl Director
2011Hoosier State Relays Indoor at Purdue
2010Hoosier State Relays Indoor at Purdue
Midwest Meet returns to Indiana for 4 years @ FW Northrop / IPFW
2009Hoosier State Relays Indoor at Purdue
Boys race first in CC state tournament, will alternate with girls each year
2008Snow Friday morning of clinic – attendance slightly affected
Hoosier State Relays Indoor at IU
2007First year for girls to run 5K in CC, CC sectionals realigned like track, 6 teams advance out of each CC semi-state – previously 5
First Hoosier State Relay Indoor Finals held at IU
2006IATCCC By-Laws revised and approved at council meeting Feb 3
NSR Indoor Finals at IU
First year for Michigan to host Midwest Meet @ Spring Arbor/Jackson
2005Girls vault as a regular season/tournament event
NSR Indoor Finals at IU
new by-laws voted on @ clinic
December revised amendments to by-laws approved @ council meeting
2004Girls vault experiment continued for 2nd year
IATCCC bylaws updated
State T & F meet moved to Bloomington
State CC meet moved to Terre Haute
2003Girls vault experiment – girls could vault at regional level & advance to state meet – medals, but not count in team scoring
2002Jason Draper, treasurer, filed for incorporation papers for the IATCCC; tax exempt certificate applied for & received
bylaws revised taken from old constitution
2001First post season CC clinic – at Sheraton Keystone
www.iatccc.org launched by Julie Alano, Hamilton Southeastern
2000First year for boys running 300 M Intermediate (36″) hurdles – previously 30″
First year for girls running 100 M hurdles at 33″ previously 30″
1997Snow/Ice Storm – poor turnout at T & F Clinic
First year for Ohio to host Midwest T & F meet @Ohio Wesleyan
First year for state CC meet at Bloomington
1996First year for 4×800 relay
State CC Meet at Conner Prairie
1995First year for 5 teams & 15 individuals advancing from each level of CC tournament
1993First volume of Indiana’s Best by Dennis McNulty
First CC Clinic held in August – Chuck Koeppen, Director
1992Realignment of Track Sectionals, no time standard for athletes to enter events
Nine places scored at state track meet
1991IATCCC filed for tax exempt status – Ted Fisehr
1989Hoosier Trackman – title changed to Hoosier Harrier
First practice date for T & F season moved to mid-February – 2 weeks later
1988State track meet back to boys one day & girls the next – flip flop days each year
1983First year state Track meet at IUPUI, also moved to 2-day format with girls and boys combined meet
1982First women inducted to IATCCC Hall of Fame
1980State T & F series run at metric distances
First year for boys running 300 meter low hurdles
1979XC series change to a 4 week series for boys
girls go 3 weeks, start at regional
1973Boys Discus new event
1971IATCCC revised constitution – changed name to IATCCC in revised constitution
Marshall Goss Hoosier Relay meet director
1970Revised constitution
22nd Hoosier Relays – Sam Kelley meet director
1964Revised constitution
1961Revised constitution
1955revised constitution
Formed as Indiana Association of Track Coaches